Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Art Apprentice group wkly challenge

I did this painting for the art apprentice yahoo group challenge. 3 Okinawan Squash: Large one-Subui, pumpkin shaped one-Kabocha and smaller one-Nabe-ra. It was quite the challenge for it is from life not a photo. I used water soluble oils, still not sure I'm getting what I want from them, but will keep at it a while longer.

My next painting project will be for the Virtual Sketch blog monthly challenge: it is from a photo though and another wkly challenge with art apprentice group: it will be from life.

Learning a lot as I do these and also getting some paintings produced. Very Happy am I!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Computer sick

This wk I started the weekly challenge but lost interest, couldn't seem to get a direction. Got the rough sketch, underpainting and started the layers but I just couldn't seem to want to finish it. Week 6 is coming up hopefully things will turn around, planning to do things more simply and more sketchy, I'll see where it goes. Also my computer got sick this past wk and had to go to the dr a few times, it seems to be fine now, thank God. Here is a painting I did a few years ago.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pumpkin-Pumpkin wk 4

Wow! Week 4 this is great fun and I am learning so much. Week 4 challenge of white pumpkins is all in waterbased oils. I used only 2 colors plus white, but unfortunately the painting posted does not show much of the yellow, but I did use it in the purples and whites to tone down the purples. One thing I really want to improve on is to do a painting in 1 day(a couple of hours) instead of it taking me 2 or 3 days to complete just one. That is my next challenge for myself, hope I can do it. Anyway I want anyone who is reading these posts to know that Karin Jurick is a fantastically gifted and giving artist. I pray God bless her richly with all His goodness. Thank you Karin.